Price Action Cheat Sheet

Stock trading guide using Technical Analysis

Daily PACS Dec. 1, 2011

Author’s additional notes:

Last Monday, I warned not to get so excited about DOW’s 291 points rally and that we have to look at PACS numbers before deciding to buy into market. True enough, we saw our local market opened higher but its gains evaporated towards closing. It even closed lower, down 16 points.

Today with the market down for almost 10 days in a row, odds are now in favor that we will get the trend reversal that we patiently are waiting for. We will again give the market the chance to prove itself worthy of our investment. To do this, we will have to go back to PACS and analyze the PHISIX numbers again.

We will be observing if the market can climb 27 points and close above 4,238. Any close lower than this should be treated as a suspect to sell the market. Note that if ever the trend reverses from down to up, PACS won’t also be able to tell us how long or how far the rally will go. I guess that is one limitation of this system. There are no indicators or methods that have been invented yet that will also do this as well. We will just have to be on alert when the next sell signal will come.

Lastly, any request to include another stock in the list will have to wait. The list has now the maximum number of stocks that I have allotted to cover. It doesn’t mean that your request won’t be included anymore. It will depend on the number of request I receive and the potential of the stock to return profits.

*For new readers check out “How to use” PACS page found at the sidebar or click this message.

*Please note that PACS’ price  alert level will always supersede any opinion coming from the author.

*Try not to chase stock and always try to buy or sell near PACS given level.

December 1, 2011 Posted by | >< | , , , , , , | 2 Comments