Price Action Cheat Sheet

Stock trading guide using Technical Analysis

Daily PACS Dec. 22, 2011

Author’s additional notes:

In line with our expectations, we saw the Dow traded higher last night and up by 62 points. Today, we will see if Dow’s bullish sentiment will translate into local gains.  With the Phisix trend’s still up and well supported by different sectors except mining, our bias will remain in the bull’s side.

Among the stock that I previously mentioned to monitor, SCC has joined the others in posting gains yesterday. PACS also reflected change of trend on ICT which just started to trend upward. I hope PACS followers were able sell WIN and PHES during the surge in momentum yesterday. As I have stated, they are only good for short term trades. Lastly, note that PACS has stopped out our buying order for LR. It started to trend downward yesterday. LR will be out of the list of stocks we will monitor until upward trend resumes and PACS gives a bullish signal again.

My next update on PACS will most likely be next before the start of the trading day but I’ll try my best to squeeze it on my schedule if I will have the time. I have also started to make some format changes on our PACS and I plan to add some section to further help readers to take full advantage of the market. Hopefully I can execute all of them before the start of next year.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! On this season, remember to focus on your love ones and thank God for the blessings that we have received this year. Hopefully, He continues to shower us with more blessings for the year to come. Enjoy!

– Alpha –

*For new readers check out “How to use” PACS page found at the sidebar or click this message.

*Please note that PACS’ price  alert level will always supersede any opinion coming from the author.

*Try not to chase stock and always try to buy or sell near PACS given level.

December 23, 2011 Posted by | >< | , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment